Young Clerks

Monday, August 11, 2014

Restarting and Rebranding

It's been almost 5 months since I've posted on this blog, but instead of scrapping it and moving on, I've just decided to switch focus!  Before, I was more focused on documentation of my artwork and crafts, but now I'm broadening my scope.

In the past, I've taken classes in Makeup artistry, SFX makeup, drawing, painting, digital art, sculpture, craft art, film, literature, and more.  I realized that a lot of the techniques and skills that I've picked up in my years of schooling have benefited me greatly, so I'm sure that many others would also benefit from them.  I will be making posts to share product reviews, product demonstrations, techniques and tricks, and most likely the occasional rant.  I will be approaching many subjects from an trained artist's perspective. 

In addition to the content that I plan to share with you, I'd love for Young Clerks to provide a space for dialogue.  I know that being an artist is a strange and frustrating experience.  Often, especially when your out of a school setting, it's difficult to know where to turn when you need advice or assistance.  I figure that if I can answer some of your questions, then maybe you might be able to answer some of mine!  I would love it if eventually we could create some sort of digital artists community.

So, if you're interested in seeing makeup reviews, learning makeup tips and tricks, discovering creative makeup looks, reading art supply reviews, seeing art technique demonstrations, hearing about practices I employ as an artist, finding resources for yourself as an artist, seeing and sharing original artwork, hearing me ramble endlessly about subjects I am weirdly passionate about, and helping to build a community of artists, creators and enthusiastic people, then stay tuned!  I know that you're meant to focus on one subject when creating a blog, but why can't that one subject be "art?"  Trust me, as far as focus goes, that's the best you'll get from me.

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