Young Clerks

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

First Post


Seeing as this is my first post here, I thought I'd better introduce myself and explain my intentions for this blog.

My name is Brooke and I am an artist.  It's all I've ever wanted to be, and really, it's the only thing I'm qualified to be.  I paint, draw, craft, sculpt, assemble, design-- you name it.  I graduated with a degree in Painting in 2012 and since then, honestly, I've just been floundering around a bit.  I've opened a couple Etsy shops.  One shop is for jewelry and artwork and is called YoungClerks, the other is only operated on a seasonal (winter holiday) basis and is called AChristmasStore (clever, no?).  I've participated in craft shows, done commission work and have even worked infrequently at my father's accounting firm scanning documents.  Around the beginning of this year, I made a conscious effort towards some sort of stability.  I started posting frequently to my Behance page, my DeviantArt profile, my Tumblr, my aforementioned Etsy, my newly created Facebook fanpage and my ever-so-successful (/s) Society6 store.  So far, all of this self-branding has really just been a huge exercise in self-loathing.

My intentions for this blog are pretty simple really.  Here is where I will chronicle my journey toward self-sufficiency.  Here is where you will (hopefully) witness me figuring out how to be an adult.  Along the way I will post life-updates, inspiration, completed artwork, new posts from my ridiculously long list of sites and probably even a few tutorials.

This is my life as an twenty-something artist.  It is strange, confusing and frequently underwhelming.
Take a seat and enjoy the silence.

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